Learning Consultant

Mrs. Joan Obermark


St. John the Baptist is such a hidden gem. This school holds great opportunities for educational growth, amazing people to work with, and parents that truly care about their child’s education and the parish. The endless amount of love and dedication our school families give to our school is truly remarkable. I am so grateful to be able to have the opportunity to teach and learn so much here at St. John’s!

The purpose of the Resource Room is to have more one-on-one interaction with the students that may need a boost in the right direction. That being said, I work directly with the students on their phonemic awareness, comprehension, cognitive awareness, and their basic reading and writing skills. I teach very diversely to my students and give them different avenues to understand and comprehend what is being asked of them. We cover a lot of sounds and blends in the classroom and how to decode words. In this classroom, we work together to break down the big picture and boost our confidence. We cover our curriculum at our own speed.